Information about the planned Storedahl & Sons quarry on Mabee Mines Rd

UPDATE - Submit Comments Directly on Skamania County Website
Recently the Skamania County Community Development Department made a web page available for submitting your comments. This is by far the easiest method to make your voice heard; if you haven't yet sent your letter or email, please take 5 minutes to use the county's comment form.
Note: The comment form has a 600 character limit
Our quiet, beautiful rural community and lifestyle is threatened.
There is a massive rock quarry planned on the Weyerhesuer land at the top of Mabee Mines Rd.
The quarry permit application estimates:
500 dump trucks a day on our neighborhood streets
Heavy truck traffic from 7am to 5 or 6pm, 6 or 7 days a week
Quarry estimated to operate for 40 years!
Imagine what life will be like with the constant procession of trucks UP and DOWN Mabee Mines and Salmon Falls. Consider the safety of your children and your pets, the potential severity of a car accident with a rock laden truck, and the impact of noise on our quiet community.
If we all sit back and do nothing then there is little hope this quarry will not be approved and go into operation. It is NOT too late, but it's close. This website will provide the Action Items that you must do to help us get the county's attention and to hear your serious concerns.
A link to the Entire Quarry Application
Please read the entire application to learn all the details about the proposed quarry.
You can make a difference - Three critical steps to do immediately:
First step: get on the list!
Contact Skamania Community Development Director, Alan Peters and request to be added to the list to receive status updates. Do not direct your anger towards Mr. Peters, he's not the enemy here. There is a process that we'll work within to voice our concerns and objections, there is a time, a place and a method.
phone: 509-427-3906
Write your comment letter - Most of us don't want to take time to write a letter and it may feel like it won't make a difference. This is incorrect, in fact it is really the most powerful tool we have at this point. Please visit the Comment Letter Page for guidance on what makes a good comment letter as well as links to a template file. Again, this is no fun, we know... but it's necessary if we want to slow or stop this project.
If you prefer a quick and easy option, use the counties provided web form to submit your comment -
Contact your friends and neighbors, share this website and post it on Facebook. Talk about this quarry and how bad it is - SPREAD THE WORD!
The plan is to post updates on this site using the blog functionality. There won't be a high volume of updates, but it is still worth subscribing below so you stay in the loop.
The 9.8 Miles Each Truck Will Take
Each truck round trip will take 9.8 miles on our neighborhood roads; SR14 to Kellett Road and back. Many of us live along this route and will be impacted by this traffic and increased danger. The following image shows the route the trucks will take, click the picture or this link to view interactively in Google Maps.
Quarry Parcel Map (Note: Kellett Rd. in lower left corner)